Non-governmental initiatives as motivators of institutional mechanisms in search of truth

“The non-governmental sector in Kosovo since after the war has had and continues to have a pro-active role in seeking the truth, focusing not only on its research, but also on building cooperation, promoting interethnic and institutional dialogue and creating lasting peace in the country, fostering discussion and response to war crimes and the role that the community plays in uncovering the truth, its de facto acceptance as a key to interethnic and interstate cooperation in building peace and democracy in general.”

Reconciliation should be accompanied by justice; otherwise, it will not last

“If reconciliation is not a problem, who will reconcile? What is there to be hidden? Nothing I would answer. If reconciliation is not mentioned as a problem, then the problem does not exist. We all would want to know the truth, and by knowing the truth and speak openly of it, consequently, the chances of reconciliation would improve.”